The Outlaws Collection

Overview : Six Romanian films directed by Dinu Cocea and based on Eugen Barbu scripts set during the 18th century in the mountains of Wallachia, about a band of outlaws aiming to undermine the rule of the Phanariots and the Ottomans. The story evolves around the two stepbrothers who lead this band, Sarbu and Amza, with their complex and violent relationship.


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The Outlaws

Original Title : Haiducii
Overview : First of 2 films set during the 18th century in the mountains of Wallachia, about a band of outlaws aiming to undermine the rule of the Phanariots and the Ottomans. The story evolves around the two stepbrothers who lead this band, Sarbu and Amza, with their complex and violent relationship.
Release Date : 4/21/66
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The Revenge of the Outlaws

Original Title : Răzbunarea haiducilor
Overview : Second of 2 films set during the 18th century in the mountains of Wallachia, about a band of outlaws aiming to undermine the rule of the Phanariots and the Ottomans. The story evolves around the two stepbrothers who lead this band, Sarbu and Amza, with their complex and violent relationship.
Release Date : 4/23/68
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The Kidnapping of the Maidens

Original Title : Răpirea fecioarelor
Overview : In 19th century Wallachia war-bands of Ottoman Turks from across the Danube river raid Wallachia with impunity while Wallachia's Phanariote rulers don't oppose them.
Release Date : 3/12/68
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Săptămâna nebunilor

Original Title : Săptămâna nebunilor
Release Date : 7/11/71
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The Outlaws of Sevenhorses

Original Title : Haiducii lui Șaptecai
Release Date : 3/27/71
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The Dowry of Lady Ralu

Original Title : Zestrea domniței Ralu
Release Date : 4/9/72
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