Por Hypolite
Creado : hace 1 año
Actualizado : hace 1 año
Publicado : hace 1 año
Symfony is a popular PHP web application framework used for developing web applications and APIs. It provides a set of reusable PHP components and follows the model-view-controller (MVC) architecture, which separates an application into three main parts:

  1. Model: This represents the data and business logic of the application. It handles data validation, database interactions, and other tasks related to storing and manipulating data.
  2. View: This is responsible for presenting the data to the user. It typically consists of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files that define the layout and appearance of the application.
  3. Controller: This sits between the model and the view, and is responsible for handling user requests, coordinating between the model and the view, and rendering the appropriate view for the user.

Symfony also includes a number of tools and libraries that can be used to speed up development, such as a command-line interface (CLI) for managing applications, a dependency injection container for managing object dependencies, and an HTTP foundation component for handling HTTP requests and responses.

Overall, Symfony is a powerful and flexible framework that can be used to build a wide range of web applications and APIs.

©chatGPT - 12-29-2022
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