telón de fondo 1
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Añadir un nuevo telón de fondo

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Añadir un nuevo cartel

Arrastre y suelte un archivo o haga clic para examinar


Título original : Meteor
Disponible en streaming
Disponible para comprar
Apple TV
Disponible para alquilar
Apple TV
Tiempo de ejecución : 1 Hora 48 Minutos
Ingresos : 12600000$
Voto medio : 5.1
Recuento de votos : 134
Fecha de publicación : 19/10/79


Productoras :
American International Pictures
Meteor Joint Venture
Países productores :
Estados Unidos


Sean Connery
Paul Bradley
Natalie Wood
Tatiana Donskaya
Karl Malden
Harry Sherwood
Brian Keith
Dr. Dubov
Martin Landau
General Adlon
Trevor Howard
Sir Michael Hughes
Richard Dysart
Secretary of Defense
Henry Fonda
The President
Joseph Campanella
General Easton
Bo Brundin
Rolf Manheim
Roger Robinson
Bill Hunter
Michael Zaslow
Sam Mason
John Findlater
Astronaut Tom Easton
Allen Williams
Astronaut Michael McKendrick
Bibi Besch
Helen Bradley
Gregory Gaye
Russian Premier
Clyde Kusatsu
Burke Byrnes
Coast Guard Officer
Stanley Mann
Canadian Representative
Ronald Neame
British Representative
Philip Sterling
Russian Representative
Sybil Danning
Girl Skier
Joan Foley
Communications Center Technician
Read Morgan
Communications Center Technician
Conrad E. Palmisano
Communications Center Technician
Stu Nahan
Football Announcer
James Bacon
News Reporter
Domingo Ambriz
Boy with Radio
Peter Donat
Opening Sequence Narrator (voice)
Simon Cadell
British News Reporter (uncredited)
Katherine De Hetre
Jan Watkins
James G. Richardson
Alan Marshall
Paul Tulley
Astronaut Bill Frager
Joe Medalis
Charles Bartlett
Raymond O'Keefe
Henry Olek
Army Translator
Peter Bourne
U.N. President
Arthur Adams
Ghana Representative
Fred Carney
United States Representative
Meschino Paterlini
Boy Skier
Joe Yune
Siberian Man
Eileen Saki
Siberian Woman
Christine Anne Baur
Communications Center Technician
Paul Camen
Communications Center Technician
Dorothy Catching
Communications Center Technician
Bill Couch
Communications Center Technician
William Darr
Communications Center Technician
Paul Laurence
Communications Center Technician
John Moio
Communications Center Technician
Tony Rocco
Communications Center Technician
Jesse Wayne
Communications Center Technician
Carole Hemingway
Sherwood's Secretary
Clete Roberts
Network Newscaster
Osman Ragheb
Swiss TV Newscaster
Yu Wing
Chinese Fisherman
Yau Tsui Ling
Chinese Fisherman's Wife
Rick Slaven
Canteen Worker
Yani Begakis
News Reporter
Selma Archerd
Woman in Subway
John McKinney
Peter Watson




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