Death of a Soldier
Death of a Soldier
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Death of a Soldier

Titre original : Death of a Soldier
Durée : 1 heure 33 minutes
Moyenne : 1.5
Nombre de vote : 2
Date de sortie : 16/05/1986


Compagnies de production :
Suatu Film Management LTD.
Pays de production :


James Coburn
Maj. Patrick Dannenberg
Bill Hunter
Det. Sgt. Adams
Reb Brown
Pvt. Edward J. Leonski
Maurie Fields
Det. Sgt. Martin
Michael Pate
Major General Sutherland
Lisa Aldenhoven
Girl #1 in Bar
Chris Connelly
Jim Smith
Peter Hosking
Frank Thring
Religious Speaker
Tim Hughes
Dave - Detective in Bar
Gennie Nevinson
Gladys Hosking
John Murphy
Army Psychiatrist
Ken Wayne
Law Officer
Patrick Frost
Signal Captain
Antoinette Byron
Post Office Clerk #2
Terence Donovan
John Curtin
Jasper Bagg
GI on Train (uncredited)
Carol Hitchcock
Woman with Wig (uncredited)
Max Fairchild
Major William Fricks
Belinda Davey
Margot Saunders
Randall Berger
Pvt. Anthony Berger
Jon Sidney
General Douglas MacArthur
Nell Johnson
Pippa Wilson
Singer in Boomerang Bar
Kim Rushworth
Band in Bar
John McTernan
Col. Williams
Earl Francis
Police Doctor
Ron Pinnell
Mr. Harmon
Len Kaserman
Maj. Gen. Eichelberger
John Cottone
Maj. Gen. R.G. Marshall
Nigel Bradshaw
Sgt. Rothberger
Anthea Roordink
Girl on Bar
Mary Charleston
Pauline Thompson
Robin Harrison
Philip Raymond
Dave Gray
Piano Player in Brothel
Ian Shrives
Australian Digger
David Arnett
GI Sergeant
Malcolm Lomax
GI with Knife
Jeannette Leigh
Wilma Smith
Don White
GI on Train
Paul Michael Young
GI on Train
Bill Fozzard
Officer on Train
Burt Cooper
Australian Officer
Jon Craig
US Officer
Rowena Mohr
Mary Henry
Simon Hughes
Const. Wilson
Kath Gordon
Girl Kissing GI in Doorway
Paul Russell
GI Kissing Girl in Doorway
Nicci Lane
Stripper in Bar
John F. Howard
Latrine GI
David Frezza
Provost Sergeant
Duke Bannister
Col. Spencer Eddy
Brian Adams
Court-Martial President
Arthur Sherman
US Army Prosecutor
John Benton
Signals Sergeant
John Higgins
US Staff Major
Anna Peacock
Post Office Clerk #1
Paul Karo
Opposition MP
Elizabeth Crockett
MacArthur's Secretary
Geoff Parry
GI at Hanging
Perry Atfield
US Provost
Mark Clarke
Army Soldier (uncredited)
Rebecca Dines
Jane Evans (uncredited)

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