La Bataille du Rio de la Plata
La Bataille du Rio de la Plata
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La Bataille du Rio de la Plata

Titre original : The Battle of the River Plate
Durée : 1 heure 59 minutes
Moyenne : 6.135
Nombre de vote : 52
Date de sortie : 30/10/1956


Compagnies de production :
The Archers
Pays de production :


John Gregson
Captain Bell - H.M.S. Exeter
Anthony Quayle
Commodore Harwood - H.M.S. Ajax
Ian Hunter
Captain Woodhouse - H.M.S. Ajax
Jack Gwillim
Captain Parry - H.M.N. Z. S. Achilles
Bernard Lee
Captain Dove - M.S. Africa Shell
Lionel Murton
Mike Fowler
Anthony Bushell
Sir Millington Drake, British Minister, Montevideo
Peter Illing
Dr. Guani, Foreign Minister, Uruguay
Michael Goodliffe
Captain McCall, R.N., British Naval Attache, Buenos Aires
Patrick Macnee
Lieutenant Commander Medley, R.N.
Douglas Wilmer
M. Desmoulins, French Minister, Montevideo
William Squire
Ray Martin
Roger Delgado
Captain Varela, Uruguayan Navy
Andrew Cruickshank
Captain Stubbs, 'Doric Star'
Christopher Lee
Peter Finch
Captain Langsdorff, "Admiral Graf Spee"
David Farrar
Jeremy Kemp
Gunner, H.M.S. Achilles (uncredited)
John Le Mesurier
Reverend George Groves - Padre, HMS Exeter
Cyril Luckham
Lieutenant Jasper Abbot, H.M.S. Achilles
Donald Moffat
Swanston, Lookout, H.M.S. Ajax (uncredited)
Anthony Newley
Radio Operator, Tairoa, Prisoner on Admiral Graf Spee
Nigel Stock
Chief Officer, Tairoa, Prisoner on Admiral Graf Spee
Barry Foster
Bill Roper - Capt. Bell's Messenger, HMS Exeter
Ambrosine Phillpotts
Mrs. Millington-Drake, Montevideo
Tony Wager
Lookout, HMS Ajax
Brian Worth
Radio Operator, Doric Star, Prisoner on Graf Spee
Patrick Jordan
Signalman, Aft-Conning, HMS Exeter (uncredited)
Jeremy Kemp
Gunner, HMS Achilles (uncredited)
Donald Moffat
Swanston - Lookout, HMS Ajax (uncredited)
John Schlesinger
Lieutenant, Graf Spee (uncredited)
John Chandos
Dr. Langmann, German Minister, Montevideo
Edward Atienza
April Olrich
George Murcell
Chief Officer, Newton Beach
Patrick Westwood
Archer, HMS Ajax
Chris Adcock
British Seaman (Prisoner on Graf Spee) (uncredited)
Michael Collins
Chief Yeoman, HMS Ajax (uncredited)
Richard Beale
Capt. Pottinger (uncredited)
John Forbes-Robertson
Lt. McBarnett, HMS Exeter (uncredited)

Équipe technique



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